Wow! We are done with 2 months in 2010. Time sure flies when there is lots going on. I have been working very hard this year to become more self-disciplined! It has been quite a journey-mostly mental. I have to work so hard to take control of my thoughts in order to encourage myself and hold myself accountable to several things including eating healthy, making time for exercise, and especially making time for Bible study and prayer.
The following are positives on this journey:
-Meal planning has become a much more important part of my week-for both Taylor and I. Choosing to stick with our meal plan has been even more important. 8 weeks into 2010 how are we doing? The last 2 weeks things are finally falling into a great pattern!! We eat healthier and save money!
-I am learning to take prayer into more parts of my day.
-I am learning to praise more and to choose to surround myself in praise and uplifting music more often!
-I have had small handful of weeks with 3 days of exercise.
Areas to grow:
-Continue to talk myself out of snacking in unhealthy ways!
-Until school is out-more consistently have weeks of 3 days of exercise (starting in June I hope to increase that to 4-5).
-During my quiet time in the mornings, put more emphasis on Bible reading. I'm doing more journaling, blogging, reading a book with Biblical purpose, and working on memory verses than digging deeper into Scripture. I began to discover I was lacking ideas for new memory verses cause I wasn't spending enough time in Scripture in general.
I have loved this journey I have set myself on. There are moments when I feel like Paul-that what I want to do, I don't do and what I don't want to do I do. :) There are times I end up kicking myself, but then there are times when I give God glory for giving me strength in my weaknesses.
I simply want to become more Christ-like and be a better steward to what He has given me-especially my body. By focusing on my spiritual and physical beings, I am more apt to serve God more fully!
With all of these thoughts in mind, I chose my next memory verse for March 1-15!
"For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline."
2 Timothy 1:6-7
May God bless you and yours as we exit February for 2010 and enter into March!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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