Hello all,
I am going to take a very long story and make it short, so please bear with me if it gets confusing.
My husband grew up in Mesquite, Tx on the east side of Dallas. For years, Rick Ross preached at the Mesquite Church of Christ. My husband grew up with the three Ross children: Jenny (Now Bizaillion), Josh, and Jonathan. Almost 2 weeks ago we received word that Jenny had been admitted to the hospital in critical condition. Jenny had contracted strep while substituting at a school. Strep turned to the flu which turned to pneumonia which somehow turned into sepsis. Jenny quickly fell into severe septic shock. For two weeks things have been extremely up and down with Jenny literally fighting for her life minute by minute the first several days she was in ICU. Currently, Jenny has made huge progress, but is still very much in critical condition. She is on a ventilator and dialysis. The family is praying fervently for all of her organs to begin working again as well as for Jenny to come off of the ventilator. In addition to these complications, Jenny has also developed gangrene in her feet due to the lack of circulation from the sepsis. Her circulation is better, but the infection is still in her body. Yesterday there were serious talks of amputating both of her legs beneath the knees to stop the infection from spreading. For the time being, they have postponed that surgery, and the family is asking for prayers for a miracle.
Why am I sharing all of this? Because I deeply believe in the power of prayer. Months ago, before she was sick, Jenny blogged about her desire for Christians to be unified-to stop the bickering and divisiveness that is so prevalent among Christians these days. Due to her illness over 5000 Christians have joined her CarePages online to follow her story, offer the family encouragement, and most importantly-pray for Jenny's healing! God has been moving mountains minute by minute healing Jenny. Jenny's story has been an amazing testiment to the power of prayer and faith of believers everywhere!!! Below you will find a link to her carepages account where you can sign up for email updates where the family sends out very specific requests and updates multiple times a day. Please join the saints in praying for a fellow sister!!! May God be glorified!!!
"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." James 5:16
Jenny Bizaillion's CarePages Update
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Jenny is my sister-in-law (Kelli's) best friend! Small world! We've been praying like crazy for her!
It really IS a small world, Kristi! Her brother's brother-in-law's family is in our class at church, and our whole class has been praying for her like crazy! We'll continue to do so! Love you, sweet lady!
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