Last July, I began reading Beth Moore's Living Proof Ministries blog. I realized that last January she began a Memory Verse Team with her readers asking them to memorize 2 Scriptures a month. Here is a link to the 2nd Memory Verse post she made for the year. I never did get my act together the last half of 2009 to join up with her and the others readers. But, I committed to doing this on my own for 2010. I wanted to encourage others to do this as well. For the first two weeks of January (which are rapidly approaching an end) I chose a verse that I felt was a great launch point for the rest of my verses. Here is it:
"Since then, you have accepted Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Colossians 2:6-7
In 2010, I want to:
-"continue to live in Him" by being daily in His word, continually reminding myself of His power, grace, and guidance in my life
-be "rooted and built up in Him"-The Bible refers to the power of the Word of God and by daily being in the Word and committing His words to my heart and mind I hope to deepen my roots and grow taller in Him.
-be "strengthened in the faith as you were taught" - Just like so many of us, my faith has peaks and valleys. Too often I find myself praying, "Lord, help my unbelief." I want my faith strengthened. I need the Word of God flowing through me in order for that strengthening to occur.
-"overflow with thankfulness" - despite peaks and valleys that each new year brings, overflowing with thankfulness is key to helping me faith grow through the times of trials and periods of wilderness. I am committing to finding abundance with which I can overflow in thankfulness.
So, my question is, would anyone like to join me? If so, please just post your verses in my comments section so I can see what verses are important to you right now as well. Feel free to comment on your verses if you'd like or to just post your Scriptures. I'm currently praying through what I should choose for the last half of January. Verse #2 will appear this weekend! Until next time, I will pray this verse over each of you!
"Since then, you have accepted Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness!"
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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