It's January 1st, but instead of a post about resolutions and the New Year; I'm going to post about Christmas. I'll get to the resolutions and New Year stuff in a few days! We spent a week in ABQ, NM visiting mom and dad for Christmas this year! My grandmother came up from Corpus Christi, so all five of us were together. We spend most of the week talking, laughing, watching movies, cooking, and eating. It was fabulous! In the Lowery family it's been a tradition to have Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve. This year we had another couple over to enjoy it with us. Joe and Anne Rose have known my grandparents since their college days. In fact, Joe and my Papa (Lowery) went to high school together. We sat for 3 1/2 hours on Christmas Eve and listened to Joe tell stories about those days and how my grandfather impacted his life. It was an incredible memory. We got most of it on video tape which will be a treasure always! It snowed for us 2 days before Christmas. It was beautiful, and I loved it! It turned out I would have had a little bit whiter Christmas here in Dallas, but snow is snow and 2 days before Christmas is good enough for me to call it a White Christmas! Though technically not our first Christmas as a married couple, Taylor and I thoroughly enjoyed celebrating the entire Christmas season as a married couple. It was so much fun and incredibly romantic, making me all the more glad we decided to get married at Christmas time. It's such a wonderful time to rejoice in the birth of our Lord and the love He allows us to share with each other all at the same time! I'm attaching a handful of pictures from our Christmas. The complete album is on Facebook! Enjoy!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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