I was recently informed that I have become bad at blogging. I confess-it is true. :) In all my euphoria of being a newly wed, I seem to consistently forget my readers who wish to catch up with me. So, what has been going on with us?
-Taylor had a very successful percussion concert in mid-March. It was his first concert to completely plan, organize, and run on his own. It was wonderful. The pieces he chose for the kids to play were fantastic. It was very entertaining, and I was so proud to watch him up there showing off his kids knowing that he is the reason they were so successful!
-We spent spring break in Albuquerque with my parents. It was a relaxing, peaceful week. We played Wii, watched old movies, cooked out, did a little site seeing, and a whole lot of talking and laughing. Taylor and I enjoyed the 11 hour (one way) road trip while we listened to Da Vinci Code on CD. Neither one of us had read the book. We loved it. What a well crafted story!
-April at school for each of us has become very busy. Taylor and the other directors took the band kids to Winter Park a couple weeks ago where they played in a contest and spent 2 1/2 days skiing. Taylor came back uninjured (yea!), and the band came back with a first place plaque!! Now that UIL is over for the bands, they are prepping for spring concerts and getting ready for fall marching season. I am in the process of spring testing and identification for kids starting the dyslexia program next year. It is a very busy time of year balancing paperwork, testing, and 09-10 prep at three campuses; but I'm discovering it's one of my favorite times. I really love this job. I'm really looking forward to heading into my 2nd and final year of training.
-On a more serious but still fun note, Taylor and I have been blessed to have many conversations recently about what our future together looks like as servants of our Lord. We are realizing how many possibilities are out there for us as a couple. Now that we are settling into this marriage thing, we are really getting excited about new and different possibilities as Christ's servants! Stay tuned for updates on our spiritual journey as a couple as time goes on.
So, that is a quick and probably not complete update of the still-new Belts! I will do my best to stay more on top of this blogging thing! In the near future look for: a new post of what's been on my bookshelf and summer plans for the Belts!!!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
• living “lexi” a walk in the life of a dyslexic is the book i wrote of my 12 year old daughter’s life who has dyslexia…the book is now published and available either on my website www.shelleytrammell.com, www.amazon.com or www.booksurge.com (whsl/dist)
• I have spent the past 7 years researching dyslexia and finding contacts all over the world that I feel would be interested in using my book as a resource… (that is how I found you)……my intent is to offer a book that dyslexics can relate to and want to read, along with offering pages of resources (websites, books, associations, etc.)
• I hope you will go to www.shelleytrammell.com and check out my book …come take a walk in the life of a dyslexic, it’ll have you laughing from the start and you just may shed a tear for yourself or someone you know
contact info:
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